System Configuration

Polypheny offers a streamlined system, facilitating rapid setups by minimizing administrative overhead.

System Requirements

Ensure optimal operation of Polypheny by adhering to the following minimum system requirements:

Name Specification Mandatory
Capacity min. 20 GB
# CPUs 2
Docker (locally or remote)
💡 Note
While not obligatory, enabling Docker support and linking Polypheny to a Docker instance is strongly recommended. Absence of this connection precludes the use of features like on-demand data store deployment and Notebooks.


Polypheny primarily utilizes the following ports for its operations:

Port Description
7659 Web UI
20591 Query Interface for drivers and connectors

All ports and additional system capabilities can be configured centrally.

Configuration File

Deployments of Polypheny are managed through a configuration file, formatted in HOCON and parsed internally using GSON.

Polypheny maintains all configuration data as part of the server deployment. Upon initial deployment, Polypheny autonomously generates a new configuration file (default: polypheny.conf) within ${POLYPHENY_HOME}/config/. Configuration alterations can be implemented at runtime via the Web UI, SQL, or directly within the configuration file prior to launching Polypheny.

Below is a sample configuration:



"runtime/dockerInstances" {
    dockerConfig01 {

Data Folder

Polypheny utilizes the local file system for storage, defaulting to a specialized folder named .polypheny within the executing user’s home directory. This location can be modified by defining a system environment variable, POLYPHENY_HOME, to indicate the preferred location before initiating Polypheny.

Utilizing systemd on Linux Systems

For initiating and autonomously operating Polypheny on Linux systems, utilizing systemd is recommended. Establish a systemd service by creating a polypheny.service Unit-File within /etc/systemd/system.

💡 Note
If utilizing our precompiled binaries for Linux distributions, a systemd Unit-File is preconfigured for your convenience.
Description=Polypheny-DB - A self-adaptive Polystore providing cost- and workload-aware access to heterogeneous data

ExecStart=/opt/polypheny/bin/Polypheny -daemon
ExecReload=/bin/kill -HUP $MAINPID

Upon file creation, reload the configuration:

systemctl daemon-reload polypheny.service

Subsequently, initiate the service:

systemctl start polypheny.service
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